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Product & Inventory Details in WMS 3


  • To see product details, click on the SKU and under Product and Inventory Details tab.
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    1. Usable: Stock units that were not damaged and can be purchased
    2. Buffer: Stock units that put into buffer stock during product creation/edit
    3. Unusable: Stock units that were damaged during inbound or after a stock take/adjustment
    4. Incoming: Stock units that were added in an incoming PO
    5. In Process: Stock units that were picked from location
    6. In Picking: Stock units that were added into an order and in picking process
    7. In Transfer: Stock units that were in transfer to new Location/LPN/SKU
    8. In Stock Take: Stock units that were in a stock take process
    9. In Adjustment: Stock units that were adjusted and waiting for approval

    10. Click Shipment Details tab to see inbound (PO/ASN) and Outbound (B2C & B2B) order details.
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    11. Click on History tab to see the product update logs and which user did the update.
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    12. Click Batch Details tab to see list of batch numbers and expiry dates of the product and the status of each batch (block/unblocked). This will be shown only if user enable Batch and Expiry settings.
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    13. Click Statement tab to see logs of stock change and what is the balance after each update.
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    14. User can also View By In Stock, Low On Stock, Out Of Stock, Deactivated & Archived
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