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Add/Create a New Warehouse in WMS 3


  • To add a new warehouse location, go to ‘Warehouse’ module from primary panel and click on ‘Add Warehouse’ button.

  • Fill in all the required details and click on Add New Warehouse button.

    A screenshot of a login form

Description automatically generated with medium confidence
  1. User (Warehouse Admin) will receive an automated email on registered email id to verify the account and set login password.
  2. Email id should be valid and unique to each warehouse.


  • Warehouse is successfully created and activation email is sent to the customer for the Warehouse activation.
    A close-up of a computer screen

Description automatically generated with low confidenceSample email for Warehouse Activation:

    A screenshot of a email

Description automatically generated with low confidence 
  • User can click on Edit button to Edit the Warehouse details.



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